The storm came, it passed, and we persevered. It is with great pleasure and relief that we can report our people made it through, and the Boca Raton, FL office is once again open & restored to 100% operational status. With so much damage that Hurricane Irma inflicted across the state and the coast, many others are still enduring trials and loss; our thoughts going out to them.
You’ll once again be able to reach your regular contacts in Boca Raton, and as always we’re available to address your concerns at our Canadian Customer Service Team at 1-877-916-8324 or info@bsecorp.com
We’re deeply grateful to all the support our team received, people who provided shelter from the storm, along with a shoulder to lean on. And we’d personally like to thank you for your patience and support from afar. It is times like these that show our true character, the values worth fighting for. We couldn’t be more proud, and are ready to serve you.